Half Way There! – A Reflection
HALF WAY THERE! I am 50 today. I grew up in a Welsh mining valley and left aged 19, as did many of my friends, with little more than the clothes we wore and the life skills our parents taught us, and the lessons we learnt from each other. But these lessons have served me…
Where Adventure Begins
Where Adventure Begins has just completed its tour of Wales. St Padarn’s Institute – the department of the Church in Wales responsible for training sponsored the tour. And in all 450 people came to see the production. One performance in each Welsh Diocese. It came on the back of 20+ performances in England throughout January.…
But Samuel remained in Ramah
At the end of the Epistle to the Hebrews there is a list of people that the writer says he doesn’t have time to talk about. It is an extraordinary list of individuals, and despite the writer of the Epistles reluctance, I want to write about one of them and maybe in doing so, show…
What motivates you?
What compels you? What are you passionate about? What gets you out of bed in the morning? And what keeps you going when it all goes wrong – which from time to time it will! For me it involves revisiting the story that birthed that passion in the first place. Here’s my revisit: It was my final year in…